A Vision for the Future
Apart from growing the agri-business on the farm, the following projects are in the pipeline:

Creating Entrepreneurs
Creating and setting up of formal buying posts for goats, in all areas of the province, which will be owned and operated by an entrepreneur.

Shop Network
Creating and setting up of formal small shops for supplying affordable cuts, fifth quarters and beans. These will be owned and operated by an entrepreneur.

Empower Women
Establishing a tannery and leather production factory, to be owned and operated by the women of the community

Safe Water
Providing boreholes for running water in many villages that currently do not have access to safe water.

Investing in Progress
Moz-Agri’s achievements and performance as a responsible employer, with very high social and environmental standards, has attracted investments and grants from organisations such as leading agri-funder AgDevCo, GAIN (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition) and FinAgro. These investments and grants have helped tremendously in growing Moz-Agri’s agricultural and community support activities.
Committed to our Community
Moz-Agri is absolutely committed to the development and support of its community. In addition to the electric maize mill and the subsidised shop, the health care centre has been a major boost to the community. After witnessing the plight of the local people with no access to health care, Chris and Filipa spent countless hours canvassing organisations for help. Eventually, with a wonderful grant from Czeck Republic, Moz-Agri built a medical health post on the farm.

Investing in Progress
Moz-Agri’s achievements and performance as a responsible employer, with very high social and environmental standards, has attracted investments and grants from organisations such as leading agri-funder AgDevCo, GAIN (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition) and FinAgro. These investments and grants have helped tremendously in growing Moz-Agri’s agricultural and community support activities.